Thursday, May 5, 2011

Egg Fried rice

I was kinda out of spring onions today, so my rice has less greenery than usual.

The rice go very well with my version of Chinese Chicken Manchurian (desi style). Ha ha!! i know, this recipe has a funny name

1+ 1/2 cup of basmati rice (pre soaked in water then drained)
3/4 tsp salt (or to taste)
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 egg (beaten by hand)
about 1/2 cup of carrot cut into small cubes
1/2 cup of peas
1/2 cup of corn
1 + 1/2 tsp soy sauce
1/3 tsp of ajino moto (chinese salt)
1 pack of spring onions, cut into small pieces.
1+ 1/2 tbsp oil

Use a wide bottom pan with a lid.
1. Heat oil. High heat. Add peas, corn and carrots, stir continously. Fry for about 2 - 3 minutes. Add salt + pepper + chinese salt + soysauce. Also add the egg. cook.

2). add about 2 + 3/4 cups of water, and then add rice. Let it cook on medium heat. Cover only half the mouth of the cooking pan (to avoid rice from boiling over). let it cook. Rice will absorb most of the water. when you see pits forming in the rice, they are ready for DUM.  To know what is DUM, CLICK HERE

3). reduce heat to lowest on your stove. add spring onion (pre cut) and yellow food color. Cover and let it cook for about 8 - 10 minutes.

4). turn off the stove. Put the pan on a cool surface. Open the lid. Carefully mix the rice. It will let  all the steam out and prevent rice from clumping. But be gentle to the rice while mixing or it will break an donot look nice by the end!!

Serve with Chinese Chinese Chicken Manchurian (desi style)

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