Saturday, April 30, 2011

About the Pakistani Drama !

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After coming to the farangi land, I very much got into watching the Pakistani Dramas, and honestly I loved them!
I am not talking about the good old Dhoop Kinaray or other dramas of that era, there is no doubt they were golden. I am talking about the dramas of today. Meri Zaat Zarra-e-Benishan and Vasaal were the first two I watched after getting married.

 I loved them. Because they seemed to portray my pain and my problems. For example, in MZZB, there was this cruel old lady, who made an honest woman look like  a whore in front of the whole world. The women's husband loved her from the depth of his heart, but of course, he had that natural overpowering instinctive love for his mother that made him overlook everything else. When I watched that drama, my insides cried! Oh look! thats me. I think I am in the same situation. I am a very average person and since 99% of people think that they are always right (We, humans tend to adopt the things we think are good, everyone has a justification for his/her acts; even robbers and murderers have justifications for their acts; thinking robin hood :p), I am no exception! 
SO after I watched MZZB, (I watched the whole 20 episode drama on you tube in one night, my it was a tearful night...I sobbed the whole time), I thought, I am living among such cruel people. I should run away. I also told my husband that neither he nor his mother were right and I want justice. What do you think happened? We had a full blown fight. 
My husband is very understanding and nice, he came up with a conclusion that it was the Pakistani Dramas, that were "EMOTIONALLY AFFECTING" me, and so I should stop watching them. 
I did for some time, then I kept on watching them off and on. But the important thing is, that I have realized that he was right. Those dramas are aimed at increasing viewership, the viewers are mostly women who like self pity. Women watch those dramas, compare their situation to it, and then either try to follow the characters, or cry out in utter rebellion after being 'enlightened' about the cruelty they are suffering from. 
In a society, then the portrayal of such things creates more misunderstandings instead of solving the problems. In my situation, I know that my showing an attitude ruined everything. 
Some things are the way they are and that is the way they will always be. You Just need to accept them. The earlier you accept it, the lesser you lose. 
The Pakistani society and the in-law situation, it is the way it is, it has been like this for ages. Since, it involves women on both sides, it is almost impossible for it to change. Women are women. They never forgive, and they never forget. It is like  a second nature to them.
If what I am saying makes any sense to the readers, then I want to make plea to the Pakistani community and the media; instead of showing all this family drama on TV, that never solves a  situation but definitely throws oil on fire, the media should start showing other things that are more productive. 
The situations of house holds with in-law problems and all, should be completely ignored. Sometimes, such things die themselves if you ignore them, and they blow up if you keep on talking about them!

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