Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lost Legacy

Today I am disappointed. I am so disappointed that I did not even clean the room or make the bed... or eat a meal for that matter, after coming home. I am disappointed in myself and all of US. All of us who call ourselves Muslims. 
The semester is about to end, and so is the History of  Renaissance Europe class. I grew up thinking that it was Jabir-bin-Hayyan's al-kemia, Alkhwarzmi's ( Iknow he was in Asia, but he did travel to Baghdad) algorithms,Ibn-e-Sina's medicine and physics, alHashim's optics (and so on) that led to renaissance intellectual development or humanism as they call it. True, that Muslim scientists started by studying hellinistic philosophers, but thier contributions cannot be neglected. Afterall, Newton also borrowed from Ibn-e-Sina's Qanoon. That doesn't make him a genius of lesser quality. 
So the class is ending, we  never talked about Islamic Spain, or its civilized hmanism that was the presursor of Italian humanism. In just one lecture we covered Spain, where it was stated that Ferdinand and Isabella conquered to relieve Sapin of Moslem occupancy. That is all. 
No mention of development of Arabic numerals, trignometery, Al khwarzmi's algorithms, but yes, we did mention how capabale Leonardo da Vinci was, and how proportionate paintings were (trignometry. eh? Where do you think it came from: AlKhwarzmi).
It is the historians' responsibility to express all the facts and figures as accurately as they can, but what can you say? they are just humans, they have their own biases...
I feel bad because we are losing such a great form of inspiration, I do not want my kids to grow up thinking that all the big geniuses in the world are anything but Muslim, and that religion makes them less capable intellectually...
All of us sitting in front of these computer screens are busy either trying to make our future, or trying to better it, 2-3 years from now we will be happy in our 9-5 jobs... which will leave us no time to think about anything else, no time to explore the Great Book of all secrets, or even the secret of our own existence! I remember Zara once said, I think there is a big 'company' running this world, and its task is to make sure that all of us stay busy all the time so that we have no time to think about the greater purpose of life... 
We lost our legacy too early, it was just a foundation and we were supposed to build on it, but we gave it away and degenerated into an inferiority complex. 
Just rethinking 23 years of a useless, futile existence, running around spinning inside the boundaries set by someone else and never questioning, what, why where, when and how?


On this page, I will try to put up pictures, references and other information containing the role of Muslim scientists in bringing up the renaissance scientific revolution, and starting the intellectual humanist thoughts...

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